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Be Strong

Scripture Reading. Ephesians 6:10-17 Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Our scripture reading tells us of an enemy; the devil that we have to withstand. Though we don’t see him visibly, we still have to withstand him. But he is a strong enemy that appears in various ways and, even though it tells us we fight not against flesh and blood, the enemy will use flesh and blood. That is, he will use people and physical or tangible circumstances. Yet we are told not to use physical things in withstanding him. We are told to “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might”. Eph 6:10. Maybe today you are undergoing temptations or being bombarded in different ways by the wiles and the fiery darts of the devil. Please don’t give in to the attacks. Be strong in the Lord and in the power His might and put on the armour He has prescribed. Be strong... Don’t Give in or Give up. Be strong in the Lord...Yield to the Lord and do right. Your victory over the temptations to the flesh and over the wiles of the devil is to BE STRONG IN THE LORD AND IN THE POWER OF THE LORD. MY PRAYER. Oh Lord thanks for being our source of victory over Temptations and troubles. Over the enemy of our souls And his wiles. Blessed be Thy name O Lord.

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