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God's Questions

I received a wonderful thought from someone which I have decided to use as the thought for today. When I read the bible, I love when GOD asks questions. He doesn't ask for himself. He already knows the answer. He asks us because he wants us to understand and get it. 1. He asked Adam, “Where art thou?" Sometimes we don’t realize where we are in life and it takes the voice of GOD to remind us. Genesis 3:9 2. He asked Moses, “What is that, you have in your hands?" Many times the very blessing we need is already in our grasp. Exodus 4:2 3. He asked Ezekiel, “can these bones live?" Sometimes you may think a situation in your life has died, But GOD is reminding you that it can live. It’s not dead; it’s not over! Ezekiel​ 37:3 4. He asked Abraham, “Is there anything too hard for GOD?". Think about that as you are going through life. I don’t care what it looks like. There is nothing too hard for GOD to do. Nothing is impossible with Him. Genesis 18:14 MY PRAYER. Lord please help us to hear your questioning voice and to respond accordingly. Whether it be to recognize our sin or to be ready to serve you or to recognize You are able to revive us or to remember that there is nothing impossible with You. Help us in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen God bless [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

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